Sex Offenders

SEXUAL PREDATOR is defined as a person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense and who is likely in the future to commit additional sexually oriented offenses. Offenders can be classified as sexual predators in one of the following ways:
1. The offender is convicted of a sexually violent offense with a sexually violent predator specification, or
2. The sentencing court, after holding a sexual predator hearing pursuant to O.R.C. 2950.09, determines that the offender is a sexual predator.
Offenders designated as sexual predators are subject to registration/verification requirements annually for life unless a judge modifies or terminates the sexual predator designation. Sexual predators are subject to the neighbor/community notification provisions and the reporting requirements at 90-day intervals.
HABITUAL SEX OFFENDER is defined as a person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense, and who previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one or more sexually oriented offenses.
Offenders designated as habitual sex offenders are subject to registration/verification requirements annually for a period of 20 years after release. A sentencing judge may determine that a habitual sex offender is subject to neighbor/community notification.
SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENDER is a person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a sexually oriented offense, but who has not been designated as a sexual predator or habitual sex offender.
Sexually oriented offenders are subject to the registration / verification requirements annually for a period of 10 years after release. These offenders are not subject to neighbor/community notification.
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Search Tips: Consider searching by zip code or where you live, work and play along with locations where your children frequent such as school, playgrounds, etc.
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• Clermont County Sex Offender Data Resources •
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