Reflective Address Signs
Help Us Help You

Miami Township Police and Fire receive calls for service at both business and residential locations for a variety of calls each day. In 2016, Miami Township Police received more than 22,800 call for service and many times responding is slowed down by not locating the address of the caller sooner than later. Present day technology helps first responders, but nothing helps more than a clearly marked address on a mailbox, your home or the business.
At times, finding address numbers during the daylight hours is difficult. But, the nighttime hours become even more difficult with poorly marked address numbers. First responders must illuminate residences to attempt to locate the correct address for which the emergency is happening. The time searching may disrupt neighbors, distract drivers on the roadways and ultimately delays our response.
The best way to help yourself and first responders is to make sure your address is clearly displayed and can be observed from each direction that first responders may approach. One suggestion is to install a green 911 safety sign, printed on both sides with your address numbers, for plain view. We recommend you keep landscaping below your displayed address to prevent obstruction of your address numbers being clearly seen. Displaying your address numbers as close to the roadway as possible and near the entry drive, is also very helpful.
You can visit Station 26 at 5888 McPicken Dr. to place an order, or print the order form linked below to send in, or drop off. We’ll make your sign and call you when it is ready to be picked up. Signs are available in green ($20) and brown ($25) varieties, and are sold to our community at our cost. Please take a look at your existing address sign today to see if this reflective sign might be a good replacement option for you!
Order Your Sign